Gary's Social Media Count

Saturday, October 25, 2008

It's about time!

ITS HERE!! Inspiration free...and I hope more software that Teachers find invaluable will become free..ok, open source has got some great pieces, but Inspiration is such a great product!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A B I G Thank you!

Day after day, when I am frustrated by the events of the day, of the equipment I "get to" use, the people I deal with, the mindset of others...I jump on my network of GCTs and all is well. I know that on any given day I can call on any of them for support, feedback and continual good thoughts...Its nice to know they are in my back pocket...
I am very grateful for this wonderful network of innovative, POSITIVE MINDED, intelligent individuals!

Monday, October 20, 2008

My Southern Side of the Family

My cousins came to visit from Florida and thank goodness the weather in St. Louis was perfect! Where to go to show them true St. Louis hospitality??...FOREST PARK~~home of the 1904 World's Fair...we visited the zoo and saw the penquins, cause if you live in Florida...can't see many of them, right?
ITS all about the RAYS!! ....and I can't wait to see them for the next couple weeks on TV!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

MUST SLOoow down!

OK, I admit I have a fault..I need to learn how to slow down or I'm gonna break down. Sooo much to do, presentations, portfolios, parties, and that's just the letter P...(*get it? goes along with the picture??)
sigh, I just have to try one step ahead...that least I can FEEL like I'm staying in synch...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Google Earth, Google Maps

This isn't a google map, but its a map to how I learn... Colorful, check, messy, check, evolving, check...I just hope I'm able to continue on my learning path for a long time ...

Funny thing, I'm spending Monday helping participants to learn about Google Earth, and I'm going to do some higher level thinking myself with all of these wonderful speakers and presenters!